Club Equality Strategy

Incorporating Club Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP)

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club prides itself on providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all our members. This Equality Strategy, enclosing our club Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP), outlines how the club will ensure its Committee, Coaching Staff and Members sustain an inclusive environment, allowing people from across the community to join, enjoy and develop their swimming.

The club will adopt the policy and principles advocated by Swim England.

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club’s Equality Vision:

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club aims to make swimming accessible, inclusive and safe for everyone.

We will foster a welcoming, social and inclusive atmosphere in our training sessions and other activities, taking action that opens up and sustains the opportunity for all people to swim.

We will establish and maintain a good governance structure that welcomes and enables everyone to reach their full potential in the water, regardless of background.

The Borough of Swimming Club benefits from being an inclusive club by:

  • Increasing our membership.
  • Increasing the number of potential volunteers who can contribute to the running of the club.
  • Increasing the level of skills and abilities within our club.
  • Providing a range of positive role models – particularly for our younger members.
  • Delivering a richer club environment, where members appreciate and learn from each other’s backgrounds and experiences.
  • Strengthening the club and local community as a whole by encouraging everyone to contribute to building a stronger society.

How The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will Establish and Sustain an Inclusive Environment:

This strategy outlines how the club will meet its legal obligations and club commitments relating to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.

This strategy also demonstrates how the club satisfies its requirements as an organisation affiliated to Swim England, meeting ‘Swim Mark’ requirements.


The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will demonstrate its commitment to equality and inclusion through creation and adherence to the policy and procedures outlined in the club’s constitution, codes of conduct, and by implement the actions in our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan.

The club’s Chairperson and Committee will oversee the effectiveness of this framework through review at Committee meetings and the club AGM.

The club’s Equality Strategy and ‘Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan’ will be reviewed, and where necessary updated, on an annual basis. These will be independently evaluated as part of the club submission for Swim England ‘Club Affiliation’ on an annual basis.


The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will meet the legal requirements with regards to discrimination, harassment and victimization, in line with the Swim England Equality Policy.

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club applies the principles, including the use of inclusive language, as communicated within the Swim England ‘Approach to Inclusion document.

The above policy, principles and guidance are reflected within the club’s own policy and procedures, specifically:

  • Club Constitution. The club’s constitution outlines our aims and reason for operation. It outlines the club’s commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. The club’s constitution has been created in line with Swim England guidance; it is published on the club’s website and will be reviewed on an annual basis.
  • Codes of conduct. Codes of Conduct for key committee members, coaching staff, parents and club members include requirements and commitments to equality and inclusion. The Codes of Conduct have been created in line with Swim England guidance; they are published on the club’s website and will be reviewed on an annual basis.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan. This Equality Strategy, incorporating our Club’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan, provides a key policy document, outlining how the Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will satisfy its commitment and requirements to provide an inclusive and welcoming environment for swimming.


The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club’s Chairperson and committee members will demonstrate their commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion through their actions, and continued endorsement of the club’s constitution, this equality strategy and our Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan. This commitment will be reflected in the annual submission to Swim England for accreditation.

The club’s Chairperson and committee members will demonstrate good leadership in regard to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment, taking action where necessary to implement necessary changes, and to maintain a fitting club culture.


The club’s committee will lead by example, setting the culture for the rest of the club. They will promote a welcoming attitude amongst members and develop plans, policies and procedures to support inclusion.

The committee undertakes to remain abreast of changes in our local community, remaining aware of changes to the local population and demographics. They will act to remove barriers to participation.

The committee will provide or facilitate the completion of inclusive training and support for volunteers and staff to ensure that everyone feels welcome.


All Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Poolside assistants are recommended to complete the Swim England ‘Foundations of Inclusivity’ CPD.

To meet Swim England ‘Club Affiliation’ requirements, at least one of the club’s lead coaches shall complete the Swim England ‘Introduction to Disability Swimming’ CPD, and retain evidence of completion.

The club and its coaches are aware of further CPD available from Swim England. Training will be completed where club swimmers are identified with special or additional needs.

Inclusive Culture

The Borough of Swimming Club will plan and conduct our activities with awareness of the ‘social model of inclusion’. This model recognises that social barriers such as the environment, attitudes and organisations are what prevent people from participating – not their personal characteristics.


The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club requires a team of committed volunteers to operate and remain sustainable. Our volunteers give up their time to support various roles on the club committee, coaching, and officiating at events. The club believes all volunteering opportunities are open to everyone. The club will welcome and support any volunteer displaying enthusiasm and commitment, by developing their knowledge and skills.

Taking Action

Reasonable Adjustments. The Equality Act 2010 places a legal duty on all organisations to provide ‘reasonable adjustments’, taking positive steps to remove barriers that may prevent a disabled person from accessing the same services as their non-disabled peers. The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will follow this requirement, noting that ‘reasonable’ will be determined on the effectiveness of a requested adjustment, health and safety, cost and available facilities or volunteer staff.


Good communication with our members and volunteers is an essential requirement to maintain a welcoming and inclusive club environment.

The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club will communicate regularly with our members, parents and volunteers, making them aware of available methods of communication when they enrol.

The club will hold regular committee meetings and hold an AGM annually to update members, parents and volunteers about club performance and activities.


We welcome feedback from all of our swimmers, parents and volunteers. Members and parents are made aware of their ability to talk to a coach or the club’s welfare officer when needed. If necessary, any individual who believes they have suffered inequitable treatment has the right under Swim England procedures to raise the matter to Swim England, with details on how this may be achieved available on the Swim England website.

Club Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) 2024:

The Borough Of Harrow Swimming Club’s Diversity & Inclusion Action Plan outlines the following intended actions that can be completed within the calendar year 2024 to help our club become more inclusive.

Actions for The Borough of Swimming Club to improve an Inclusive Environment:

Objective Action Required Lead Person Where Date Due Resources Date for Review
Ensure that our club is accessible for disabled people to take part in integrated activities Identify new members with disability or additional needs at recruitment. Develop coaching plan with lead coach Membership & 

Coaching Team

At Club As Members join Guidance & CPD from SE December 2024
Identify where potential members come from and formalise partnership Sustain close relationship with Harrow Leisure Centre and learn to swim programme Coaching Team Harrow Leisure Centre ongoing Nil December 2024
Identify the 


surrounding the club and ensure that the club activities are accessible to all

Updated Codes of 


reference the











Ongoing Nil December 2024
All teachers, 

coaches and

volunteers are signed up to the Swim England

Code of Ethics


Codes of


reference the



Membership At Club Ongoing Nil January 2024
Collect and 



about diversity,

ensuring data processing



& the need for security of data


Update Membership form Membership At Club Ongoing Nil December 2024




We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National.


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.