Code of Conduct for Officials and Volunteers
  1. At all times adhere to the ASA Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations.
  2. At all times adhere to Wavepower Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
  1. At all times adhere to the Swim England Equality Policy.
  1. Adhere fully to the role and job description as outlined by the club and never use that role to gain favour for yourself or any individual swimmer.
  1. Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  1. Treat all swimmers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally recognising their needs and ability within the context of the sport.
  1. Encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  1. Continue to seek and maintain your own development in line with your role and complete a Safeguarding Children in Sport course, if appropriate to your role.
  1. Treat all information of a personal nature about individual swimmers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.
  1. Encourage all swimmers to obey the spirit of the rules and regulations in and out of the pool.
  1. Never encourage or condone swimmers, volunteers, officials or parents to violate the rules of the club or the sport and appropriately report any violations.
  1. Observe the authority and the decision of the officials and only question those decisions in the appropriate manner.
  1. Treat all competitors and other club teams with respect, whether that is in victory or defeat and encourage all team members and fellow club members to do the same.
  1. Refer all concerns of a child safeguarding nature in line with the Wavepower’s procedures
  1. Adhere fully to the role and job description as outlined by the club and never use that role to gain
    favour for yourself or any individual member.
  1. Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
Code of Conduct for Teachers and Coaches

This Code is an extension to Swim England Code of Ethics; both should be followed.

Each Teacher/Coach must:

  1. At all times put the well-being, health and safety of members above all considerations including developing performance.
  2.  At all times adhere to the ASA Code of Ethics, Rules and Laws.
  3. At all times adhere to the ASA and BHSC Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
  4.  Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  5.  Treat all swimmers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally, recognising their needs and abilities within the context of their sport.
  6. Develop an appropriate working relationship with swimmers based on mutual trust and respect.
  7. Meet the ASA commitment to equality, diversity and inclusion.
  8. Always place the well-being, health and safety of swimmers above all other consideration including developing performance.
  9. Always ensure that all teaching, coaching and competition programmes are appropriate for the age, ability and experience of the individual swimmer.
  10. Always identify and meet the needs of the individual swimmer as well the needs of the team/squad.
  11. Be fair and equal in team and training squad selection.
  12. Never abuse the position as Coach or Teacher  or exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward. In particular, coaches must not use their position to establish or pursue a sexual or improper relationship with an athlete or someone close to them.
  13. Encourage and guide swimmers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  14.  Continue to seek and maintain their own professional development in all areas in relation to coaching and teaching children.
  15. Treat all information of a personal nature about individual swimmers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.
  16. Encourage all swimmers to obey the spirit of the rules and laws both in and out of the pool.
  17. Where appropriate, co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sport scientists, doctors, and physiotherapists) in the best interests of the swimmer.
  18.  Never encourage or condone swimmers, volunteers, officials or parents to violate the rules of the BHSC or the sport and report any violations appropriately.
  19. Observe the authority and the decision of the officials and only question those decisions in the appropriate manner.
  20. Treat all competitors and other club teams with respect, whether that is in victory or defeat and encourage all team members and fellow club members to do the same.
  21.  Refer all concerns of a child safeguarding nature in line with the club/ASA safeguarding children policy.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

1. The ASA and British Swimming is committed themselves to tackling forms of discrimination and to strive to become inclusive of all those who want to participate in swimming (as competitors, officials, coaches and administrators) irrespective of their race, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation and faith and ability.

2. This code of conduct includes the Association’s commitment to address equality, diversity and inclusion in swimming.

To this end the Association will not tolerate:

a) Discrimination on the grounds set out in 1 above.

b) Harassment.

c) Bullying.

d) Abusive or insensitive language.

e) Inappropriate behaviour detrimental to any individuals or groups of individuals.

3. The ASA and British Swimming are governed by UK law and will seek to ensure that its participants are committed to addressing its responsibilities under the sex discrimination Act 1975,Race Relations Act 1976, Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, Equal Pay Act 1970, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Human Rights Act 1998, Disability Discrimination Act (Amendment)2005 and the Equality Act 2006.

4. Committees, Officials and Volunteers in all aquatic disciplines must address this responsibility to support equality, diversity and inclusion in our sport.

Code of Conduct for Parents and Guardians

The purpose of this document is to establish a minimum standard of behaviour by parents (including carers or another responsible adult) both on and off poolside. In order to maintain the club’s reputation of providing a friendly, safe and disciplined environment for everyone’s wellbeing, all parents must agree to abide by the rules contained in this Code of Conduct. It is important that you understand that these are requirements (not guidelines) and you understand the possible sanctions that may be taken against you or your swimmer. If you have any questions regarding the contents, please contact the head coach or welfare officers and we will be pleased to discuss this further.

Parents are expected to:

  1.  Any changes in the state of your child’s health should be reported to the coach prior to coaching sessions and the membership secretary where necessary. Ensure the club has up to date contact details for you and any alternative person.
  2. Deliver and collect your child from poolside. Parental responsibility is in place until the swimmers enter poolside and resume as soon as the swimmers leave poolside and enter the changing rooms. If you decide that your child is to be collected elsewhere, then by doing so you indemnify the club from any responsibility.
  3. Deliver and collect your child punctually to and from coaching sessions/swim meets. Please inform a member of the committee or coaching staff if there is an unavoidable problem. If the club changes your child’s lane and/or training times, please remember the change is to provide appropriate levels of training and enable your child to progress and should be facilitated and encouraged at all times.
  4. Ensure your child is properly and adequately attired for the training session/events including all required equipment.
  5. Inform the coach before a session if your child is to be collected early from a coaching session/meet and if so by whom.
  6. Encourage your child to obey rules and teach them that they can only do their best.
  7. Respect that the club is administered by volunteers who generously give up their time. Behave responsibly as a spectator at training / meets and treat swimmers, coaches, committee members and parents of yours and other clubs with due respect, meeting the Swim England commitment to equality.
  8. Do not use inappropriate language within the club environment and show appreciation and support for your child and all the team members.
  9. Ensure your child’s needs are met in terms of hydration & nutritional needs and listen to advice given from the club coach.
  10. Support the club coach and committee appropriately and raise any concerns you have in an appropriate manner. Details of the club Welfare Officer can be found on the club website and on the club board.
  11. Do not enter poolside unless requested to do so or in an emergency.
  12. Most of all, help your child enjoy the sport and achieve to the best of their ability.

The club will undertake to:

  1. Inform you at once if your child is ill and ensure their wellbeing until you are able to collect him / her.
  2. Ensure good safeguarding guidelines are followed to keep your child safe.
  3. Ensure all activities are properly supervised / taught / coached and consent is obtained for any activity outside of that previously agreed.


Failure to comply with these codes could result in action being taken against parents to protect the welfare of swimmers, parents, coaching staff or volunteers. A verbal warning is generally the first stage. This is usually issued by the head coach or a welfare officer. A verbal warning will be followed by a confirmation email from the Committee detailing the reasons for the warning. If breaches of the code of conduct continue, the following disciplinary action can be taken against parents or their swimmer:

  1. Written warning.
  2. Temporary exclusion.
  3. Membership withdrawal.

The Committee can, if required, withdraw the membership of a swimmer – a decision not taken lightly, but taken in the interests of the safety and well-being of the swimmers and club as a whole.

Where an initial incident is considered serious, the head coach or welfare officer may choose to bypass the stages of verbal or written warnings. In these cases, the incident may be referred to the Committee to consider and possibly implement a temporary exclusion or a permanent membership withdrawal.

Serious incidents will be reported to  Swim England in accordance with their guidelines.

The parent has a right to:

  1. Make a complaint to the club if they feel the club or a member of the club is not acting appropriately to Swim England / club rules and regulations. Details of how to do this can be obtained from the club Welfare Officer.
  2. Make a complaint on behalf of their child to the Swim England office of judicial administration
Code Of Conduct For Swimmers

The purpose of this document is to establish a minimum standard of behaviour by swimmers both on and off poolside. This applies at training sessions, in changing rooms, during travel and galas. In order to maintain the club’s reputation of providing a friendly, safe and disciplined environment for everyone’s wellbeing, all members must agree to abide by the rules contained in this Code of Conduct. Please take this opportunity to review this code with your swimmer(s) to ensure they know what is expected from them. It is important that they understand that these are requirements (not guidelines) and they understand the possible sanctions. If you have any questions regarding the contents, please contact the head coach or welfare officers and we will be pleased to discuss this further.

General behaviour

Treat all members of The Borough of Harrow Swimming Club, including coaches, parents, fellow swimmers and all those connected with the Swim England with respect.

Treat everyone equally and never treat someone differently because of their age, sexual orientation, ethnic origin or nationality.

The use of rude or abusive language, bullying, harassment, or physical violence will not be tolerated and could result in action being taken through the club disciplinary or child welfare policy.

Display a high standard of behaviour at all times. Always report any poor behaviour by others to a coach or welfare officer.

Recognise and celebrate the good performance and success of fellow club and team members.

Changing rooms

Swimmers must behave in a responsible and well behaved manner in the shower areas and the changing rooms and change as quickly as possible.

Respect the property of other swimmers and any of the facilities and equipment provided.

Be respectful and considerate of all leisure centre users at training venues, galas and open meets.

Consider the health and safety of others and ensure that kit bags and belongings are contained

within lockers or stored without blocking exit points, gangways or causing trip hazards on the floor.

Obey any instructions from changing room staff, who will also help if you have a problem.

At all locations change in the relevant single-sex changing areas if provided.

Consider there may be much younger swimmers present in the changing rooms, so remember you a required not to use rude or abusive language.

Swimming training

Treat your coach and fellow swimmers with respect.

Make your coach aware if you have difficulties in attending agreed training sessions.

Arrive in good time on poolside before the training session starts to complete poolside warm up as directed by your coach.

If you arrive late report to your coach before entering the pool.

Ensure you have all your equipment with you, i.e. paddles; kick boards, hats, goggles etc.

If you need to leave the pool for any reason during training inform your coach before doing so.

Listen to what your coach is telling you at all times and obey instructions given.

Always swim to the wall as you do in a race, and practice turns as instructed.

Do not stop and stand in the lane; do give way to other swimmers trying to pass you. Don’t obstruct others from completing their training, impede their progress, or hold onto their legs.

Do not pull on the ropes as this may injure other swimmers.

Do not skip lengths or sets – you are only cheating yourself.

Think about what you are doing during training and if you have any problems discuss them with your coach at an appropriate time.

If you have any problems with the behaviour of fellow club members let your coach, a committee member or your parents know at the time.


At competitions, whether they be open meets, national events or club galas always behave in a manner that shows respect to both your club coaches, officers, parents and team mates and the members of all competing clubs.

You must wear appropriate swimwear and Club Kit as stipulated by the club.

Report to your club coach and / or Team manager on arrival on poolside.

Warm-up before the event as directed by the coach in charge on that day and ensure you fully prepare yourself for the race.

Be part of the team. Stay with the team on poolside. If you have to leave poolside for any reason inform and in some cases get the consent of the team manager/coach before doing so.

After your race report to your coach for feedback.

Support your team mates. Everyone likes to be supported and they will be supporting you.

Swim down after the race, if possible again as advised by your coach. Be respectful of other swimmers and make sure you use the swim down area in the right way.

Never leave an event until either the gala is complete or you have the clear agreement of the club coach or team manager.

Always report any concerns regarding the health and safety of any other swimmers competing.

Travelling to away galas

Swimmers must:

Remain seated throughout the journey.

Not interfere with any safety equipment including alarm buttons, switches, handles etc.

Use the seat belts at all times where provided.

Respect the condition of the vehicle and place any rubbish into bags that may be provided.

Follow any instructions from the driver.


Failure to comply with these codes could result in disciplinary action. A verbal warning is generally the first stage, in the presence of a parent if the swimmer is under 18. This is usually issued by the head coach or a welfare officer. A verbal warning will be followed by a confirmation email from the Committee detailing the reasons for the warning. If breaches of the code of conduct continue, the following disciplinary action can be taken:

Written warning and agreement to follow a behaviour contract.

Temporary exclusion.

Membership withdrawal.

The Committee can, if required, withdraw the membership of a swimmer – a decision not taken lightly, but taken in the interests of the safety and well-being of the swimmers and club as a whole.

Where an initial incident is considered serious, the head coach or welfare officer may choose to bypass the stages of verbal or written warnings. In these cases, the incident may be referred to the Committee to consider and possibly implement a temporary exclusion or a permanent membership withdrawal.

Serious incidents will be reported to  Swim England in accordance with their guidelines.



We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National.


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.