Stroke Development Squad Overview

The Stroke Development Squad is designed for swimmers who have progressed beyond the Foundation Squad and are ready to refine their techniques and improve competitive skills. This squad emphasizes stroke mechanics, starts, turns, and swimming fitness to prepare swimmers for higher levels of competition.

Monthly Fee: £45.00 (paid via Direct Debit)

Stroke Development Squad Criteria

  • Minimum Attendance: Swimmers must attend at least 3 pool sessions per week to maintain steady progression and achieve the squad’s performance goals.
  • Required Equipment:
    • Kickboard, Pull Buoy, and Fins are essential for all training sessions to help swimmers work on different aspects of their stroke technique and strength.
    • Swimmers must bring either two 500ml water bottles or one 1L bottle to each session to stay hydrated and perform at their best.

Stroke Development Squad Aspirations

Swimmers in the Stroke Development Squad are encouraged to work towards several key objectives:

  • Achieving Middlesex County Qualifying Times: Swimmers aim to meet Middlesex County Qualifying Times (where age-appropriate), marking significant progress towards higher levels of competitive swimming.
  • Improving Swimming Fitness: Developing stamina, speed, and overall swimming fitness is a major focus in this squad, helping swimmers perform better in both training and competition.
  • Perfecting Starts and Turns: Swimmers will continue to progress their starts and turns, including mastering the underwater phase in all strokes, which is crucial for racing.
  • Enhancing Stroke Technique: Continued refinement of all four competitive strokes (Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly) is a core goal to ensure efficiency and speed in the water.
  • Competitions: Swimmers are expected to compete in at least 3 competitions per season, including one mandatory participation in the Borough of Harrow Club Championships.

Stroke Development Squad Aims

The Stroke Development Squad has several key aims to guide the swimmers’ progress:

  1. Develop Technique for All Four Competitive Strokes: Focused improvement on technique across Freestyle, Backstroke, Breaststroke, and Butterfly, ensuring swimmers execute strokes efficiently and with proper form.
  2. Enhance Streamlining and Underwater Phase: Swimmers will work on streamlining and their underwater phases for all four strokes, vital skills for reducing drag and maximizing speed off the starts and turns.
  3. Teach Racing Starts and Turns: Special attention will be given to racing starts and turns to help swimmers make quicker and more efficient transitions in races.
  4. Learn Proper Use of the Pace Clock: Swimmers will be introduced to the correct use of the pace clock, a valuable tool in improving pacing and consistency during training sets.

Progression Path

Swimmers who demonstrate the required skills, fitness levels, and competition experience will be eligible to progress to the County Development Squad. This progression will occur once the swimmer has met the desired technical standards and shown the capability to handle more advanced training.

Progressing to the County Development Squad represents the swimmer’s readiness to compete at higher levels, including county-level events, with a focus on achieving even greater success in the sport.

Training Schedule

For detailed information on the training schedule, please refer to the Squad Timetable available on the club’s website.

By participating in the Stroke Development Squad, swimmers will not only refine their stroke technique and develop their racing skills, but they will also gain the experience and discipline needed to excel in competitive swimming. This squad provides a structured, goal-oriented environment that fosters both physical and mental growth, preparing swimmers for future success.



We are a competitive sport club - with our swimmers competing at all levels from local team galas to British National.


Do you want to be part of Harrow Swimming Club sport experience? Feel free to contact us for more info.